Category: Buying Myths

Owning a Home Is Still More Affordable Than Renting One
Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Interest Rates, Pricing, Rent vs. Buy | January 20, 2021
Owning a Home Is Still More Affordable Than Renting One

If spending more time at home over the past year is making you really think hard about buying a home instead of renting one, you’re not alone. You may be wondering, however, if the dollars and cents add up in your favor as home prices continue to rise. According to the experts, in many cases, it’s still more affordable to…

Should I Wait for Lower Mortgage Interest Rates?
Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Interest Rates, Move-Up Buyers, Pricing | January 19, 2021
Should I Wait for Lower Mortgage Interest Rates?

Historically low mortgage rates are a big motivator for homebuyers right now. In 2020 alone, rates hit new record-lows 16 times, and the trend continued into the early part of this year. Many hopeful homebuyers are now wondering if they should put their plans on hold and wait for the lowest rates imaginable. However, the reality is, acting sooner rather…

Things to Avoid after Applying for a Mortgage [INFOGRAPHIC]
Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Infographics, Move-Up Buyers | January 15, 2021
Things to Avoid after Applying for a Mortgage [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights There are a few key things to make sure you avoid after applying for a mortgage to help make sure you still qualify for your loan at the closing table. Along the way, be sure to discuss any changes in income, assets, or credit with your lender, so you don’t unintentionally jeopardize your application. The best plan is…