Moving can be exciting and full of new possibilities and adventures. However, for children, it also means leaving their sense of comfort, familiarity and friends. They may feel overwhelmed and intimidated by a new town, school, house and friends. With some kid-friendly tricks, you can help them feel comfortable and settled in no time. Read on for tips on helping your children adjust to their new home.
Meet the Neighbors
Even if you are introverted, make an effort to meet the families in your area and try to arrange playdates. Whether they are at your home or a nearby park, help your children meet other children their age so they can begin to develop friendships. Consider hosting a low-key summer popsicle night or kid-friendly happy hour to take a proactive approach, or play in the front yard instead of the backyard to meet people more organically.
Look Into Neighborhood and Community Events
Look into family and child-friendly events that may take place in your immediate neighborhood or the broader community. Sign up for the HOA’s email list, and join the neighborhood and community social media groups, so you can stay on top of events your child can participate in. The more involved you become, the faster your children will feel at home.
Avoid Complaining
If you have complaints about the house, previous owners, school leadership or HOA, keep these conversations away from your children. They can absorb these comments and begin to have negative perceptions about the new area, making it harder for them to embrace their new setting.
Sign Up for Activities
Look into your local park district and youth leagues for information on sports league sign-up dates, as well as classes and activities your child may be interested in. Joining sports teams and extracurricular classes will help your children make friends faster and let them meet more people.
Choose Their Own Bedroom Colors
Letting your child choose their own bedroom colors can give them more ownership over their room. Guide them to select a color they love while also ensuring it’s a color they can grow with. If you anticipate your child having a difficult time during the transition, use color psychology to help. For example, if your child needs an energetic space to create and play, a bright paint color may be best. Or, if your child needs a calming space to retreat to, a soothing color choice may be best.
Schedule Adventure Days
Regularly explore your new community with your children. Take them to visit the local parks, restaurants, ice cream shops and stores so they gain a broader understanding of the overall area.
Take Time to Talk Through Their Feelings
Honor your children’s feelings about the move, and avoid trying to minimize their feelings of being scared or nervous. Periodically check in with your children and listen to what they have to say about their new house, friends, neighborhood and school.
While a new home and area can be stressful for little ones. Taking extra care to help your littlest family members feel comfortable in their new environment can alleviate the fear of the unknown and will create a safe, secure environment for them.