Whether you just moved into a new home or you’re looking to update a room or two, paint is often your first and best option for making a strong style statement. But redoing a room with paint is not as simple as choosing a color. There are many factors to consider in order to ensure your paint job doesn’t go awry. Here, designers weigh in on what not to do when it comes to painting projects.
Don’t settle for a previous palette. If you’ve just moved into a new home, the list of projects to accomplish is most likely long, from buying new furniture to installing window treatments. Don’t let a long move-in to-do list deter you from painting, however. According to designers, many new homeowners choose to live with the home’s existing colors even if they don’t love it. But doing so creates a ripple effect that will become difficult and costly to undo as you begin to make design decisions based on the previous owner’s paint colors. Be sure to prioritize painting if you’re not completely in love with the existing palette as it will serve as the foundation for most all of your other style choices.
Do a gut-check. While it’s easy to get swept up in today’s array of beautiful, trending paint colors, it’s important to take the appropriate amount of time necessary to think through a color choice before pulling the trigger. Begin with the rooms of the home where you and your loved ones will be spending the most time, and choose a color that you know deep down you’ll be happy with for a long time, even if it’s not at the top of the trend chart. You can then experiment with “less-safe” colors in smaller areas, like a mud room or spare bedroom.
Go beyond white trim. According to designers, you don’t have to paint architectural elements like crown molding, baseboards and door casings white. Try extending the color you’ve chosen for the walls to these elements as well. This will give your room a dramatic feel and draw attention to the colors and textures of its furnishings and accessories.
Be judicious about DIY. One of the worst—and most expensive—mistakes you can make when it comes to paint is taking on a project that’s over your head. Do your research online and talk to your local paint professionals about the details and time involved for the project you have in mind. Be realistic about your abilities and opt for a professional when needed. Doing so will save you time, money and angst.
Source: Better Homes & Gardens