
6 Reasons to Celebrate National Homeownership Month
First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Pricing, Rent vs. Buy | June 1, 2021
6 Reasons to Celebrate National Homeownership Month

Our homes are so much more than the houses we live in. For many, they’ve also become our workplaces, schools for our children, and safe harbors in which we’ve weathered the toughest moments of a global pandemic. Today, 65.6% of Americans call their homes their own, a rate that has risen to its highest point in 8 years. As National…

We Remember, Today and Always
Holidays, Time-sensitive, Uncategorized | May 31, 2021
We Remember, Today and Always

We remember and honor those who gave all.

How Misunderstandings about Affordability Could Cost You
Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Pricing, Rent vs. Buy | May 27, 2021
How Misunderstandings about Affordability Could Cost You

There’s a lot of discussion about affordability as home prices continue to appreciate rapidly. Even though the most recent index on affordability from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows homes are more affordable today than the historical average, some still have concerns about whether or not it’s truly affordable to buy a home right now. When addressing this topic,…

Buying a Home Is Still Affordable
Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Interest Rates, Pricing, Rent vs. Buy | May 26, 2021
Buying a Home Is Still Affordable

The last year has put emphasis on the importance of one’s home. As a result, some renters are making the jump into homeownership while some homeowners are re-evaluating their current house and considering a move to one that better fits their current lifestyle. Understanding how housing affordability works and the main market factors that impact it may help those who…

Where Do Experts Say the Housing Market Is Heading?
For Buyers, For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Interest Rates | May 25, 2021
Where Do Experts Say the Housing Market Is Heading?

As we enter the middle of 2021, many are wondering if we’ll see big changes in the housing market during the second half of this year. Here’s a look at what some experts have to say about key factors that will drive the industry and the economy forward in the months to come. “. . . homes continue to…