Category: Infographics

Moving Now Can Give Your House Its Day in the Sun [INFOGRAPHIC]
For Sellers, Infographics | May 26, 2023
Moving Now Can Give Your House Its Day in the Sun [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights If you want to sell your house, consider doing it this summer. The days are longer, the weather is warmer, and it’s a great time for sellers. If your needs have changed, now’s the time to capitalize on the low inventory and multiple offers in today’s sellers’ market. Connect with a local real estate agent today if you’re…

The Impact of Changing Mortgage Rates [INFOGRAPHIC]
For Buyers, Infographics, Interest Rates | May 19, 2023
The Impact of Changing Mortgage Rates [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights If you’re looking to buy a home, you should know even a small change in mortgage rates has an impact on your purchasing power. These charts show how rates generally affect your monthly payment. The best way to navigate changing mortgage rates and make an informed buying decision is to rely on the expertise of a local real…

The Worst Home Price Declines Are Behind Us [INFOGRAPHIC]
For Buyers, For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Pricing | May 13, 2023
The Worst Home Price Declines Are Behind Us [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights While home prices vary by local area, they’ve already hit their low point nationally, and now they’re starting to rise again. Last July, prices started to decline, but around February, they began climbing back up. If you put your plans to move on hold waiting to see what would happen with home prices, reach out to a local…

The Worst of the Home Price Declines Is Behind Us [INFOGRAPHIC]
For Buyers, For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Pricing | May 12, 2023
The Worst of the Home Price Declines Is Behind Us [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights While home prices vary by local area, they’ve already hit their low point nationally, and now they’re starting to rise again. Last July, prices started to decline, but around February, they began climbing back up. If you put your plans to move on hold waiting to see what would happen with home prices, reach out to a local…

Reasons To Sell Your House Today [INFOGRAPHIC]
For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics | May 5, 2023
Reasons To Sell Your House Today [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights Not sure if selling your house is the right move today? You should know there are a number of reasons it still makes sense to sell now. Your house will stand out because inventory is low. That’s why the number of offers on recently sold homes is on the rise. And most homeowners have a lot of equity…