Category: Distressed Properties

4 Major Reasons Households in Forbearance Won’t Lose Their Homes to Foreclosure
Distressed Properties, Foreclosures, Housing Market Updates | April 12, 2021
4 Major Reasons Households in Forbearance Won’t Lose Their Homes to Foreclosure

There has been a lot of discussion as to what will happen once the 2.3 million households currently in forbearance no longer have the protection of the program. Some assume there could potentially be millions of foreclosures ready to hit the market. However, there are four reasons that won’t happen. 1. Almost 50% Leave Forbearance Already Caught Up on Payments…

6 Simple Graphs Proving This Is Nothing Like Last Time
Distressed Properties, For Buyers, For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Interest Rates, Pricing | March 10, 2021
6 Simple Graphs Proving This Is Nothing Like Last Time

Last March, many involved in the residential housing industry feared the market would be crushed under the pressure of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. Instead, real estate had one of its best years ever. Home sales and prices were both up substantially over the year before. 2020 was so strong that many now fear the market’s exuberance mirrors that of the last…

Are There Going to Be More Homes to Buy This Year?
Buying Myths, Distressed Properties, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, For Sellers, Foreclosures, Housing Market Updates, Move-Up Buyers, New Construction, Selling Myths | February 25, 2021
Are There Going to Be More Homes to Buy This Year?

If you’re looking for a home to purchase right now and having trouble finding one, you’re not alone. At a time like this when there are so few houses for sale, it’s normal to wonder if you’ll actually find one to buy. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), across the country, inventory of available homes for sale is…

3 Ways Home Equity Can Have a Major Impact on Your Life
Distressed Properties, For Buyers, For Sellers, Foreclosures, Rent vs. Buy | February 17, 2021
3 Ways Home Equity Can Have a Major Impact on Your Life

There have been a lot of headlines reporting on how homeowner equity (the difference between the current market value of your home and the amount you owe on your mortgage) has dramatically increased over the past few years. CoreLogic indicated that equity increased for the average homeowner by $17,000 in the last year alone. ATTOM Data Solutions, in their latest…

3 Reasons We’re Definitely Not in a Housing Bubble
Buying Myths, Distressed Properties, For Buyers, For Sellers, Foreclosures, Housing Market Updates, Interest Rates, Pricing, Selling Myths | February 9, 2021
3 Reasons We’re Definitely Not in a Housing Bubble

Home values appreciated by about ten percent in 2020, and they’re forecast to appreciate by about five percent this year. This has some voicing concern that we may be in another housing bubble like the one we experienced a little over a decade ago. Here are three reasons why this market is totally different. 1. This time, housing supply is…