Category: Down Payments

How Much Do You Need for Your Down Payment?
Buying Myths, Down Payments, For Buyers | January 3, 2022
How Much Do You Need for Your Down Payment?

As you set out on your homebuying journey, you likely have a plan in place, and you’re working on saving for your purchase. But do you know how much you actually need for your down payment? If you think you have to put 20% down, you may have set your goal based on a common misconception. Freddie Mac says: “The…

The Perks of Putting 20% Down on a Home
Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Move-Up Buyers | December 22, 2021
The Perks of Putting 20% Down on a Home

If you’re thinking of buying a home, you’re probably wondering what you need to save for your down payment. Is it 20% of the loan, or could you put down less? While there are lower down payment programs available that allow qualified buyers to put down as little as 3.5%, it’s important to understand the many perks that come with…

Why It Just Became Much Easier To Buy a Home
Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Interest Rates, Move-Up Buyers | December 7, 2021
Why It Just Became Much Easier To Buy a Home

Since the pandemic began, Americans have reevaluated the meaning of the word home. That’s led some renters to realize the many benefits of homeownership, including the feelings of security and stability and the financial benefits that come with rising home equity. At the same time, many current homeowners have decided their house no longer meets their needs, so they moved…

Tips for Single Homebuyers: How To Make Your Dream a Reality
Buying Myths, Down Payments, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers | December 2, 2021
Tips for Single Homebuyers: How To Make Your Dream a Reality

If you’re living on your own and looking to buy a home, know that you can make your dream a reality with thoughtful planning and the right team of experts. Research from Freddie Mac shows 28% of all households (36.1 million) are sole-person, and that number is growing. Over the past 40 years, the number of sole-person households has nearly…

VA Loans: Helping Veterans Achieve Their Homeownership Dreams
Buying Myths, Down Payments, For Buyers, Time-sensitive | November 11, 2021
VA Loans: Helping Veterans Achieve Their Homeownership Dreams

The purpose of Veterans Affairs (VA) home loans is to provide a pathway to homeownership for those who have sacrificed so much by serving our nation. As the Veterans Administration says of the program: “The objective of the VA Home Loan Guaranty program is to help eligible Veterans, active-duty personnel, surviving spouses, and members of the Reserves and National Guard…