Category: Move-Up Buyers

Buyers: Are You Ready for a Bidding War?
First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Move-Up Buyers | July 13, 2020
Buyers: Are You Ready for a Bidding War?

With businesses reopening throughout the country and some experts indicating early signs of a much-anticipated economic recovery, more homebuyers are actively entering the housing market this summer. Today, housing is truly driving the U.S. economy forward. With so many buyers looking for homes to purchase and so few houses for sale right now, there’s a disconnect between supply and demand….

Not All Agents Are Created Equal
First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, For Sellers, Move-Up Buyers | July 9, 2020
Not All Agents Are Created Equal

In today’s fast-paced world where answers are just a Google search away, there are some who may question the benefits of hiring a real estate professional when selling a house. The reality is, the addition of more information can lead to more confusion. A real estate agent can be your essential guide, but truth be told, not all agents are…