Category: New Construction

Hope Is on the Horizon for Today’s Housing Shortage
Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Move-Up Buyers, New Construction | June 15, 2021
Hope Is on the Horizon for Today’s Housing Shortage

The major challenge in today’s housing market is that there are more buyers looking to purchase than there are homes available to buy. Simply put, supply can’t keep up with demand. A normal market has a 6-month supply of homes for sale. Anything over that indicates it’s a buyers’ market, but an inventory level below that threshold means we’re in…

Patience Is the Key to Buying a Home This Year
Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, Move-Up Buyers, New Construction | April 28, 2021
Patience Is the Key to Buying a Home This Year

The question many homebuyers are facing this year is, “Why is it so hard to find a house?” We’re in the ultimate sellers’ market, which means real estate is ultra-competitive for buyers right now. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) notes homes are getting an average of 4.8 offers per sale, and that number keeps rising. Why? It’s because there…

Will the Housing Market Maintain Its Momentum?
For Buyers, Housing Market Updates, New Construction | April 27, 2021
Will the Housing Market Maintain Its Momentum?

Last week’s Existing Home Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows sales have dropped by 3.7% compared to the month before. This is the second consecutive month that sales have slumped. Some see this as evidence that the red-hot real estate market may be cooling. However, there could also be a simple explanation as to why existing…

Latest Jobs Report: What Does It Mean for You & the Housing Market?
For Buyers, For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, New Construction | April 7, 2021
Latest Jobs Report: What Does It Mean for You & the Housing Market?

Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a very encouraging jobs report. The economy gained 916,000 jobs in March – well above expert projections of 650,000 to 675,000. The unemployment rate fell again and is now at 6%. What does this mean for you? Our lives are deeply impacted by our nation’s economy. The better the economy is doing…

What Is the Strongest Tailwind to Today’s Recovering Economy?
For Buyers, For Sellers, New Construction | March 17, 2021
What Is the Strongest Tailwind to Today’s Recovering Economy?

Last year started off with a bang. Unemployment was under 4%, forecasters were giddy with their projections for the economy, and the residential housing market had the strongest January and February activity in over a decade. Then came the announcement on March 11, 2020, from the World Health Organization declaring COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic. Two days later, the White House…