Category: Rent vs. Buy

Reasons Renters Buy [INFOGRAPHIC]
First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Infographics, Rent vs. Buy | October 1, 2021
Reasons Renters Buy [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights When deciding whether you should rent or buy, make sure you’re considering these factors. Buying a home means consistent monthly payments. Homeownership also helps to build your wealth. And owning a home gives you greater flexibility than renting. If you’re ready to take advantage of the perks of homeownership, let’s connect to explore your options.

Have You Ever Seen a Housing Market Like This? [INFOGRAPHIC]
For Buyers, For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Infographics, Interest Rates, Rent vs. Buy | September 17, 2021
Have You Ever Seen a Housing Market Like This? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights Whether you’re buying or selling – today’s housing market has plenty of good news to go around. Buyers can take advantage of today’s mortgage rates to escape rising rents and keep monthly payments affordable. Sellers can reap the benefits of multiple offers and a fast sale. If this sounds like good news to you, let’s connect today so…

What You Can Do Right Now To Prepare for Homeownership
Buying Myths, First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Rent vs. Buy | September 1, 2021
What You Can Do Right Now To Prepare for Homeownership

As rent prices continue to soar, many renters want to know what they can do to get ready to buy their first home. According to recent data from “The first half of 2021 has seen the fastest growth in rent prices since the start of our estimates in 2017. Our national rent index has increased by 11.4 percent since…

The Difference in Net Worth Between Homeowners and Renters Is Widening
First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Rent vs. Buy | August 30, 2021
The Difference in Net Worth Between Homeowners and Renters Is Widening

Becoming financially secure is an important goal for many people today, but some don’t realize just how much homeownership can help them achieve that dream. A recent report, The Journey Toward Financial Freedom, surveys Americans about their perspective on financial wellness and their goals. It shows there may be a significant misconception about the role owning a home plays in…

If Housing Affordability Is About the Money, Don’t Forget This.
First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Interest Rates, Pricing, Rent vs. Buy | August 26, 2021
If Housing Affordability Is About the Money, Don’t Forget This.

There are many non-financial benefits of buying your own home. However, today’s headlines seem to be focusing primarily on the financial aspects of homeownership – specifically affordability. Many articles are making the claim that it’s not affordable to buy a home in today’s market, but that isn’t the case. Today’s buyers are spending approximately 20% of their income on their…